Our country was selected through global level popular voting, surpassing adventure touristic powers like United States, New Zealand, Canada, Australia, Ecuador, Sri Lanka, Fiji and Ras Al Khaimah.
Thanks to the landscapes diversity covering from north to south, our national destinations offer unique chances for adventure tourism. We can highlight the swells on its coasts, considered one of the world’s best scenarios to practice surf. Also, there are perfect geographical qualities for different disciplines like ski, rafting, kayak, diving, sandboard, kitesurf, paragliding, among many other adventures to enjoy Chile throughout the whole year.
After the announcement of this new award for our country, the Ministry of Economy, Foment and Tourism, Mr. José Ramón Valente said: “Tourism is one of the most pushing economic sectors in Chile. And are those kinds of sectors the ones we like because tourism has the face of a woman and is an activity present in all Chile. Also, tourism is not only generating a lot of quality employment, but also it has the potential to continue to grow strongly on our economy. If we compare ourselves with the OECD, we are a country where tourism weighs close to 3,2% of our economy and the OECD countries is close to 4,5%. We have a lot to grow in tourism. Is an industry with huge potential but all Chileans have to support this industry. Is our responsibility to make our country on the world’s extraordinary destinations to visit”
Also, the Sub-Secretary of Tourism, Mrs. Mónica Zalaquett remarked that “this new recognition from the World Travel Awards comes to reinforce us as destination. It’s not a coincidence anymore, already three consecutive years the world has decided that Chile is the most apt destination and more renowned than countries like Australia, New Zealand, Ecuador, Fiji, United States, among others, for adventure tourism. It is great news and this goes together with what is happening in Chile: from the almost 6,5 million tourists that came last year, 51% said they came due to our natural attributes. Here we have a wonderful commodity, we have been privileged as a country and this makes the tourism economic sector become more relevant every day due to the opportunities it gives to every region of the country”.
On her behalf, the National Director of Sernatur, Mrs. Andrea Wolleter assured that “this title reflects our efforts to position Chile stressing its differentiating attribute, based on attractive, recognizable and close experiences for the new tourist, as well as the adventure and nature tourist, with destinations that contrast and that offer activities for all tastes and during all seasons”.
The Executive Director of Imagen Chile, Mrs. Constaza Cea said that “this award locates Chile on a key showcase to strengthen our image; non-other country has received this recognition. We are underlying a reputation that dramatically distinguishes us abroad and in Imagen Chile we are proud to contribute to recognitions like WTA with our invitations and tours with international press through destinations like the Parks of Patagonia Route and the extreme triathlon Patagonman”.
The ceremony was held on Saturday, December 1st in Lisbon, Portugal, to where the Ambassador of Chile of said country, Mr. Pedro Pablo Díaz, arrived and received the trophy that crowned us as world three times champion.
Created in 1993, the World Travel Awards look to promote and develop the travelling and global tourism industry, awarding the excellence and diversity of its offer. Nowadays, the competition has become a world-wide know brand as quality stamp on all services and experiences related to the Tourism Sector.