The Undersecretary of Tourism and the National Tourism Service announce that as of Saturday, May 9, 2020, a new tourist visa will go into effect for Australian passport holders who wish to enter Chile.
Australian tourists must obtain an electronic visa to enter Chile for tourism purposes or for transit to another destination. The measure implemented by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will make multiple-entry visas available for a maximum of 90 consecutive days.
How to obtain the new visa for Australians
In order to facilitate the process to obtain the tourist visa, the application form is already available and operative on the website https://tramites.minrel.gov.cl/default.aspx.
After applying for the visa online, the Chilean consulate in Australia (in Canberra, Melbourne or Sydney, as corresponds) will send an e-mail to the applicant to make the respective payment. Upon payment, the consulate will send the electronic document with the approved visa.
The visa allows for multiple entries into the country for a 90-day period each. For visas with a duration of up to 72 hours, no payment is necessary. The entire process will take an estimated two to three business days.
To request more information about this new visa for Australian tourists entering Chile as of May 9, 2020, please visit the website serviciosconsulares.cl or send an e-mail to the corresponding consulate in Canberra (canberra@consulado.gob.cl), Melbourne (melbourne@consulado.gob.cl) or Sydney (sydney@consulado.gob.cl).