If the deadline is not met, travelers will automatically receive a Temporary Pase de Movilidad (Mobility Pass), which will be valid for 96 hours.
From Saturday, June 4th, the vaccine standardization in Chile to get the Pase de Movilidad (Mobility Pass) will take up to 48 working hours.
Additionally, if the stipulated deadline is not met, tourists under evaluation will automatically receive a Temporary Pase de Movilidad (Mobility Pass). It will have the same validity as the final document and will be valid for a maximum of 96 hours from the date and time of application.
If during this period the vaccine standardization is rejected, the temporary Pase de Movilidad (Mobility Pass) will remain in effect until the end of the 96 hours.
In these cases, the traveler will have the chance to undergo a PCR or antigen test for SARS-CoV-2. A negative result of no more than 24 hours may be used as a substitute for a Pase de Movilidad (Mobility Pass).
Vaccination scheme
To obtain the standardization, the vaccination scheme in the country of origin will be considered. This means that, if the country of origin has only two vaccines, only two vaccines will be enough to obtain the standardization.
People under 18 years who enter Chile accompanied by their parents or guardians with an accepted standardization will be exempt from the standardization requirement.
Entry measures
Chile established three types of alerts to determine epidemiological conditions. These are:
- Level 1 Alert: community transmission scenario of known and controlled variants.
- Level 2 Alert: variant of concern with no community circulation, or with initial community circulation, and where the health authority determines that the country is prepared to respond.
- Level 3 Alert: variant of concern with no community circulation within the country, where no further information is available or a high health impact is estimated.
The country is currently at Level 1 Alert. This alert allows for the entry of foreign tourists from all over the world, who must comply with:
- Traveler’s Affidavit on the website c19.cl
- Covid-19 health insurance worth at least USD $ 30,000
Pre-travel testing (PCR) is voluntary. In addition, upon arrival in Chile, travelers may be randomly tested at the airport or at the land border which they enter through.