Biobío Region is looking to recover its leadership in MICE tourism
Publicado el 15 September 2022

The Biobío Regional Government along with the Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción shared the advantages of the region as a destination for congresses, fairs, and events.

The main actors from the tourism industry in the Biobío Region traveled to Santiago to present the reasons why this region is one of the leading destinations for MICE tourism in Chile.

The conference, named “Biobío en 120 minutos” (Biobío in 120 minutes), was held at the renowned event center Castillo Forestal and was aimed at presidents and directors of medical, scientific, and educational companies, professional congress organizers and deans from different colleges and universities. In light of this, the advantages of the Biobío Region for MICE tourism were presented, such as the hotel and gastronomic offer in Concepción and Los Angeles, the availability of event halls, air connectivity, pre- and post-tours to the mountains and the sea, and the experience in the management of events such as Congreso Futuro, Expocorma, and the Congreso Nacional de Hoteleros (National Congress of Hoteliers), and international congresses.

“Business Tourism is important because it draws attention to the Biobío Region. When you organize a large-scale event related to science and technology, healthcare, forest, or fishing industry —to give some examples— we display our potential, we position ourselves and, based on that, the economy flows”, said Iván Valenzuela, Head of the Development, and Industry Division of the Biobío Regional Government.

For her part, Beatriz Román, National SERNATUR Director, said, “the Biobío Region has hosted national and international events and it has everything needed for these events and it is very valuable for us to have these types of instances”.

The organization of “Biobío en 120 minutos” was possible due to the financing from the Biobío Regional Government through the project Fortalecimiento del Turismo de Negocios (Strengthening Business Tourism) carried out by the Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción in collaboration with the office in charge of attracting congresses from the Concepción Convention Bureau, the Asociación Gremial de Turismo y Cultura de la Región del Biobío (Tourism and Culture Trade Association of the Biobío Region), PROTUR A.G and SERNATUR Biobío.

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