Close to 550 thousand Brazilian tourists visit Chile every year, they leave close to US$462,7 millions in the country on tourism related expenses and position them as one of the prioritized markets on the international touristic promotion national strategy that Sernatur executes. Looking to increase their arrival and extend their stay and expenses, a workshop called Turismo Connect: Brazil, was held this morning, to assess new promotion options on this South-American giant.
The Tourism Under-Secretary, Mónica Zalaquett said that “in Chile, tourism has changed a lot during the last decade, increasing exponentially and part of this growth has come thanks to Brazil. In the last 5 years, Brazil increased their visits in 50% and 2017 had more than 10% of participation on the total income, showingits importance. To work on a market like this one, first we need to know our consumers, their tastes and habits, then segment them correctly and this morning activity aimed on that path”.
On the other hand, Andrea Wolleter, National Director of Sernatur, assured that “the call for this year is to innovate our promotion strategies. Besides positioning Chile and its touristic attractions on the Sao Paulo World Travel Market Latin America in April and making there a winter season opening with tour operators, travel agencies and specialized press, we pretend to refresh on and offline campaigns we have programmed to captivate more Brazilians the next seasons”.
Chile is looking to captivate Brazilians because is the sixth country visited by them, overcoming Uruguay, Spain, Mexico and Germany, among others. And, if we consider that 41% of Brazilians travel three or more times a year, possibilities keep opening of captivating a better flow of tourists coming from this market.
On this regard, the National Director of Sernatur said that “it is key to diversify our touristic offer to widen the options we are offering. Even though they are known to be wine, snow and shopping lovers, new niches are opening, like luxury, nature and adventure experiences, like enotourism and astrotourism and also the interchange with local culture and its gastronomy”.
To contribute to this challenge, Sernatur developed Turismo Connect: Brazil, the first of many workshops focused on prioritized markets and aimed to the national touristic industry. On this case, the goal was to increase the knowledge about Brazil, the profile of tourists visiting us, thus adapt and improve not only promotion actions, but also make that products and experiences answer their needs and interests, to increase sales and positioning of the exportable tourist offer.
More than 90 industry members attended the event and it had 4 speakers that shared their knowledge on how to attract to this market: Ana Donato, CEO of Imaginadora Marketing & Eventos, agency representing Chile in Brazil; Henri Bugnet, Senior Account Manager from Google in Chile; Carolina Pinheiro, partner and General Manager of Inbrax and Felipe Diaz, General Manager of Tip Group Travel.
Brazilian tourist profile
Their visits focus on low season, mainly the third trimester with a 39%, which are the months of July, August and September. It is a relevant market based on the expenses level generated on destination. They spend daily close to US$104,8 this means their expenses are 1.5 times higher than Argentinian tourists and twice as high as European tourists.
The main reason for travelling are holidays and leisure, with an average of 8 nights of stay.
Among the touristic destinations with more demand are Santiago, Valparaíso/Viña del Mar, central area winegrowing valley, Patagonia and Torres del Paine National Park, San Pedro de Atacama and Los Lagos Region destinations with the combined Lagos border-crossing to Argentina.