Saturday 07 de September, 2024
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Promotion Activities
press news in October
Recent news

The visit of the Harry Potter actors to the Torres del Paine, and the expectations at the Viña del Mar Festival placed our country in inter

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Chile international press
Promotion Activities

The protection of ecosystems and the charms of the La Araucanía and Coquimbo regions were some of the topics that positioned Chile in the i

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Recent news

National destinations were protagonists during a month marked by important announcements.

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National actions
Competitions, Tastings and Much More: FISA’s Tourism Activities

In a space of over 1,000 square meters, the Sernatur will be displaying, with entertaining activitie[…]

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Recent news
Chile, a power of Adventure Tourism

The country hopes to maintain its leadership in South America as an adventure destination in the 202 […]

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Recent news
‘Tourist Trust’ Certificate of Commitment: What is it...

To reopen the tourism sector safely and responsibly for staff and visitors, the Undersecretary of To […]

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Recent news
Tourism works in different pillars with the industry...

With three new instances, the Undersecretariat of Tourism and the National Board of Tourism seeks to […]

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National actions
International actions
Chile international press
Promotion Activities

The protection of ecosystems and the charms of the La Araucanía and Coquimbo regions were some of the topics that positioned Chile in the i […]

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Promotion Activities

The AdventureNext Latin America 2023 event brought together, in Colombia, over 250 legal representative people from the tourism industry spe […]

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Chile World Summit Awards
Promotion Activities

The Chilean embassy in Vienna proposed Los Lagos Region as the venue for the World Summit Awards 2024. […]

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