As of Thursday, December 1st, the entry measures to the island of Rapa Nui were modified, and from now on, it will no longer be mandatory to present a negative PCR test to visit this part of Chile.
That was evidenced in Exempt Resolution no. 1,645, recently published in the Official Journal.
The document also stated that Chilean tourists are still required to present a current vaccination certificate. In the case of foreigners not residing in Chile, they must show the vaccination certificate from their country of origin.
It was also pointed out that, within the powers of the health authority, they are to establish control points in the port and at the airport facilities on Rapa Nui and to provide detection devices for SARS-CoV-2.
Thus, the authorities are empowered to take PCR tests on the island of Rapa Nui and carry out a follow-up for up to 5 days.
The entry requirements stipulated in Law 21.070 for entry to the Special Territory of Rapa Nui Island are also in force.
Rapa Nui Entry Documents
- Non-resident national tourists must have a COVID-19 vaccination certificate.
- Foreign tourists must have a COVID-19 vaccination certificate issued by the country of origin.
- You must have a reservation at accommodation registered by Sernatur or have an invitation letter from the Provincial Delegation.
- Fill out the Single-Entry Form (FUI) ingresorapanui.interior.gob.cl
- Go to www.rapanuinationalpark.com/pages/compra-de-tickets to purchase your entrance ticket to Rapa Nui National Park.
- It is mandatory to take out a guide to visit Rapa Nui National Park.
- Five-day sanitary follow-up.