After a closed voting following Asset Valdivia proposal presentation before the FIASEET (International Federation of Tourism Companies and Executive Units) on April 2nd, 2019, the organizations choose the city of Valdivia as the host for their XXXVIII FIASEET 2020 Ibero-American Congress, to be held next year on the first week of October.
ASEET Valdivia was born by the end of 2018, formed by a group of 25 companies linked to tourism, which also has its matching part on Los Ríos region, at the Ranco Lagoon Basin (Aseet Lago Ranco). Both under the wing of the FIASEET, with 37 years of history, present in Mexico, Colombia, Brazil, Perú, Paraguay, Argentina and Spain.
With the purpose of channeling the professional potential, the knowledge and the experience of entrepreneur and self-started women of this destination, based on the collaborative alliances and collective work, they have travelled to Gramado, Brazil to present Valdivia’s and Los Lagos Region nomination as host for the XXXVIII FIASEET 2020 Ibero-American Congress, with the sponsorship of the Valdivia Municipality, Regional Secretariat (SEREMI) of the Ministry of Economy, Universidad Austral de Chile, Los Ríos Convention Bureau, Tourism Under-Secretary, Sernatur and the Regional Intendancy of Los Ríos, among others.
After a closed voting, where Argentina and Chile fought vote by vote to be the host, the Chilean Regional Capital was chosen as venue to hold the Congress.
Local representatives, leaded by Fernanda Luzzi (Café Das Haus) and Isabel Mosqueira (Mosqueira producciones), worked during previous months with all partners developing this destination applying, which included the creation of a presentation video they put together with Los Ríos Convention Bureau and an applying dossier with Sernatur showing Chile and the city.
Also, they got sponsorship from public organizations as well as city souvenirs, among other meetings and actions that lead to travelling with other 4 partners (Laura Gomez, Secretary; Claudia Gascón, Treasurer; Alejandra Espinoza, Meso-Regional Director of Chile Lagos and Volcanoes and Pamela Vera, ASEET Valdivia associate) and also Aseet Lago Ranco representative that supported this proposal.
Fernanda Luzzi, president of ASEET Valdivia and Isabel Mosqueira, FIASEET Director and Representative for Los Ríos region thanked all the support received to apply the city for the Congress. “It’s a city proposal, so now we will work to achieve all the logistics this Congress implies, we are going to need all the support from providers and a strong budget support also”, they said.
The economy impact of a Latin-American Congress is very relevant for the regional economy. Each delegate spends US$380 daily in average, so for a 5 days event it can leave important numbers distributed in all the tourism chain and affect employment in a positive way, because we are not talking about two months of high-demand season only, it’s also the congress season making hotels have their personnel ready for this demand since September.