At the residence of the Chilean Ambassador in Vienna, Rodrigo Olsen, our country presented its candidacy to host the World Summit Awards 2024 (WSA), a world-class meeting that brings together entrepreneurs and startups from 180 countries.
Participants compete to be the best in categories such as Government & Citizen Engagement, Health & Well Being, Learning & Education, Environment & Green Energy, Culture & Tourism, Smart Settlements & Urbanization, Business & Commerce, and Inclusion & Empowerment.
During the candidacy presentation, Chile highlighted the importance of innovation and sustainability in the world and how our country is a leader in both areas.
The proposal is to hold the World Summit Awards 2024 at the Teatro Del Lago in Frutillar, Los Lagos Region. The results of this application will be announced in April next year.
Media highlight Chile’s candidacy in the WSAs
Chile’s candidacy to host the World Summit Awards congress was echoed in several media outlets, which highlighted our country’s capabilities.
In The Journal of Finance, they highlighted the actions of former executives of national startups to bring the international congress to Chile.
In Emol, meanwhile, they showed that Chile managed to capture the attention of the WSA Austrian organization for being “an important pole of innovation and entrepreneurship in Latin America”.
The online newspaper Tierramarillano also signed up. According to them, Chile’s presentation “was well received by the attendees, who highlighted the focus on sustainability and Chile’s commitment to this issue”.