Saturday 27 de July, 2024
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Comienza la construcción del primer sendero sustentable en...

El proyecto que estuvo pausado debido a la pandemia hoy retoma su trabajo para generar nuevas constr[…]

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National tourism

The event was held virtually on July 1st and is now available for viewing in its entirety on the YouTube platform. […]

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National tourism

Conaf confirmed this week that both national parks of the Los Lagos Region and Aysén Region, respectively, will be incorporated into the Gr […]

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National tourism

The piece shows the 9-day journey through out the National Park Torres del Paine […]

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National tourism

Updated january 31, 2020.- Both the Chilean Undersecretary of Tourism and the National Tourism Board communicate to all tourists the importa […]

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National tourism

Explora was recognized as the world’s best expedition company of the year in the “World Travel Awards” for its hotels and Travesias in […]

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National tourism

The past few days have been difficult ones for Chile due to the social situation that is being experienced throughout the country. We dep […]

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National tourism

This annual event for finding the best travel deals in Chile will be inaugurated on Thursday, August 29th through Monday, September 2nd. […]

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National tourism

The last snowfall welcomed the beginning of the season and opened the slopes, hotels and service area. The center that receives a third of t […]

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National tourism

The highest winter resort in the southern hemisphere is already working to open its Bike Park in December, standing our for its variety of t […]

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National tourism

Together, they total 709,919 hectares, representing a major breakthrough in the conservation of ecosystems around the world, and serving as […]

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National tourism

La Parva visitors will find there is a renewed space at the Golondrinas area, where a new Tourist Information Office will allow visitors to […]

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Óscar del Turismo Sudamérica

Chile has maintained its title of Leading Adventure Destination for ten years in a row at the “Oscars of Tourism”.

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Joaquín Garrido and his mother, Norma Figueroa, were awarded after winning the Chile Verde contest held by Chile es Tuyo.

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Industry News

Located in front of Lake Panguipulli, Amukan Lodge is the only hotel in Chile with the level 3 Sustainability Seal awarded by Sernatur.

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