Saturday 27 de July, 2024
Recent news
Chile bets on virtual reality to conquer France...

Together with Los Lagos and Magallanes regions, our country will be part of IFTM Top Resa, a fair ai[…]

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International actions

“Roadshow Australia 2018” is the event that will bring Chile’s best tourism offering to the Sydney and Melbourne from the 7th to the […]

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International actions

Chile’s promotional tour seeks to train tour operators, travel agencies and the Spanish tourism industry press on the country’s new dest […]

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International actions

Within the Chile Week activities in Shanghai, Mónica Zalaquett, Under-Secretary, signed a strategic agreement with Ctrip travel company to […]

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International actions

In this gastronomic show, 28 countries, including Chile, participate to delight guests’ palates and display their local culture through ga […]

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International actions

Chile is to take part in the 13th annual Travel & Adventure Show, which will be held in Los Angeles on February 24 and 25, 2018, with two at […]

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International actions

With the massive arrival of Uruguayan tourists, “Workshop Uruguay” is the first event organized by Chile to show the attractions and exp […]

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International actions

For the second year in a row, Chile will host the Latin American & Caribbean International Meetings and Incentives Expo, Fiexpo, which w […]

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Óscar del Turismo Sudamérica

Chile has maintained its title of Leading Adventure Destination for ten years in a row at the “Oscars of Tourism”.

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Joaquín Garrido and his mother, Norma Figueroa, were awarded after winning the Chile Verde contest held by Chile es Tuyo.

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Industry News

Located in front of Lake Panguipulli, Amukan Lodge is the only hotel in Chile with the level 3 Sustainability Seal awarded by Sernatur.

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