Saturday 27 de July, 2024
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Apply here for the Business Meeting Chile-Colombia

Organized by the ProChile Commercial Office in Colombia, the event will take place on August 30th an[…]

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International actions

SERNATUR's International Markets department, in conjunction with the Adventure Travel Trade Association, held a webinar for U.S. and Canadia […]

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International actions

Chile's classification and its first place in the Americas Pastry Cup confirm our country as one of the most important gastronomic tourism d […]

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International actions

Held in Metropolitan Santiago, the team led by Alejandro Espinoza and Javiera Villegas won the prestigious award with their proposal "Nature […]

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International actions

The United States Academy of Television Arts & Sciences highlighted the episode dedicated to Chile in the series "Our Great National Parks". […]

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International actions

In June, several international media such as "Forbes", "Condé Nast Travel" and "World Packers", highlighted Chile as a country to visit. […]

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International actions

Sernatur's new initiative invites tourists to get to know our country along with six songs written by prominent national artists. […]

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International actions

After working together with the Chilean government, the low-cost flight company will resume the route suspended for more than two years due […]

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International actions

At the XXVI meeting of Mercosur Tourism Ministers, we proposed to join forces and work as a block for the recovery of the sector. […]

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International actions

During the event held in London, the Chilean representatives arranged more than 40 business meetings. […]

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International actions

Our country was highlighted for its perseverance, leadership and contribution to meeting tourism in the region. […]

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International actions

Wines, snow, desert, and Rapa Nui. Discover here some of the references of our country in foreign media during May. […]

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Óscar del Turismo Sudamérica

Chile has maintained its title of Leading Adventure Destination for ten years in a row at the “Oscars of Tourism”.

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Joaquín Garrido and his mother, Norma Figueroa, were awarded after winning the Chile Verde contest held by Chile es Tuyo.

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Industry News

Located in front of Lake Panguipulli, Amukan Lodge is the only hotel in Chile with the level 3 Sustainability Seal awarded by Sernatur.

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