Saturday 27 de July, 2024
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Spain also celebrated Chilean Cuisine Day

The Chilean chef Carlos Pascal opened the doors of the Chilean Ambassador’s house in Spain to rece[…]

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In a month full of contingency, connectivity in an emergency and sustainability policies played an important role. […]

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The actors James and Oliver Phelps, along with Matt Lewis, visited Chile in the middle of the promotional actions of Chile Travel. […]

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For this reason, the industry generated an income of over US$9 billion last year. […]

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Don Gerardo Estate helps every tourist who visits the area sponsor 22 trees for the Carretera Austral. […]

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The BirdsChile Company has been guiding its passengers’ trips since 2009, working with local organizations and naturalist guides to provid […]

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The Fitur 2023 has finally begun, where Chile comes back once again to connect and close collaborations with the main partners in the Spanis […]

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The campaign Mastercard Travel Recovery contemplates discounts, benefits and diverse Priceless experiences. […]

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The event was attended by authorities, press, and tour operators, who were able to enjoy one of the most renowned cuisines in the world. […]

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Our country was recognized at the 29th version of the World Travel Awards (WTA), also known as the Oscars of Tourism. […]

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The Chilean delegation of 15 exhibitors was led by the Undersecretary of Tourism, Verónica Kunze. […]

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The company operates four weekly frequencies on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. […]

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Óscar del Turismo Sudamérica

Chile has maintained its title of Leading Adventure Destination for ten years in a row at the “Oscars of Tourism”.

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Joaquín Garrido and his mother, Norma Figueroa, were awarded after winning the Chile Verde contest held by Chile es Tuyo.

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Industry News

Located in front of Lake Panguipulli, Amukan Lodge is the only hotel in Chile with the level 3 Sustainability Seal awarded by Sernatur.

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