Saturday 27 de July, 2024
Trends and new ways of traveling: news from...

In Trade News we made a compilation for you to be up to date with all the news from the tourism indu[…]

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Industry News

In January, Chile was highlighted in international lists thanks to its incredible destinations from north to south. […]

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Industry News

Among the news for the tourism industry in November, there is also the arrival of cruises and international awards. […]

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Industry News

In September, the national industry boosted the values that make our tourism a communal and circular activity. […]

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Industry News

Significant international airline announcements were made during the month, as well as new challenges for the hotel industry in light of the […]

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Industry News

The month was characterized by the prelude to the winter vacations. In addition, there were news on air traffic and new developments in acco […]

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Industry News

In mid-June, mountain resorts in the central and southern zones of the country reopened their slopes, hoping to increase the number of visit […]

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Industry News

The main tourist destinations in Chile have a wide range of activities ready for “winterers” and those who hope to escape the cold. […]

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Industry News

During the month, our country made important announcements regarding tourism. All of them are part of the efforts to reactivate the sector. […]

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Industry News

The health authority established different levels of alert with specific requirements for the entry of foreign tourists to Chile. […]

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Industry News

During the month of May the tourism industry had news ranging from sustainable actions to new Covid-19 sanitary protocols. […]

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Industry News

During the month of April, the sector's news focused on closed borders, boosting alliances and tourism tools, and wine awards and industry c […]

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Óscar del Turismo Sudamérica

Chile has maintained its title of Leading Adventure Destination for ten years in a row at the “Oscars of Tourism”.

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Joaquín Garrido and his mother, Norma Figueroa, were awarded after winning the Chile Verde contest held by Chile es Tuyo.

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Industry News

Located in front of Lake Panguipulli, Amukan Lodge is the only hotel in Chile with the level 3 Sustainability Seal awarded by Sernatur.

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